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2019 | 28 | 383-397

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The article sets out the content of the main theses of Ukrainian and foreign scientific works on the European policy of the Benelux countries. The author determines the role of the Union of Benelux in the European space. Benelux is an important alliance for both member states and for the European continent as a whole. It played a key role in restoring the economies of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg after the Second World War. The Union of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands also served as a catalyst for the establishment of the Community of Coal and Steel in 1950 and, ultimately, of the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1957. The success of the Union can be explained by the joint efforts of the three Member States. The historiography of the topic includes some scientific spectrum and volume of literature, which consists mainly of works on the foreign policy of individual countries that are part of the Benelux union. In the national historiography, attention is paid to the problems of Ukrainian-Belgian, Ukrainian-Dutch, and others relations of different historical periods. On the other hand, in foreign historiography, the problem of the historical evolution of political mechanisms to ensure the functioning of the foreign policy of the Benelux countries is considered in great detail. Some studies were devoted to the relations between the European Union and the Union of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, namely the impact of the European Union on the national identity of the Benelux countries. Several works consider the interaction of the Benelux countries on the international scene. A considerable number of works highlights the conceptual problems of the foreign policy of the Benelux countries and their influence on the international arena both in historical aspect and at the present stage. It is concluded that the foreign policy of the Benelux countries towards Ukraine was studied by foreign authors. Most of the works consider the issues of the establishment of Ukraine-Benelux relations only in terms of relations between Ukraine and the European Union as a single organism.


  • Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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