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2016 | 6 | 111-130

Article title

Zmienne osobowościowo-motywacyjne warunkujące zachowania twórcze muzyków i tancerzy


Title variants

Personality- and motivation-related variables conditioning the creative behavior of musicians and dancers

Languages of publication



The objective of the paper is to examine the specific nature of factors determining the cre-ative behaviour of interpretive artists (interpreters). Referring to the premises of the concept of efficacious personality (Strzałecki, 2003), Campbell’s concept of self-efficacy structure (1996) and the concept of psycho-transgression by Józef Kozielecki (2007), the author of the paper verified whether the examined artists differed with respect to the profile of factors described in the Creative Behaviour Style model, level of consistency of the self-structure and two types of mo-tivation: hubristic and the feeling of self-efficacy. The author also examined the degree in which the consistency of the self-structure and the polymorphic motivation conditioned creative behaviour in the examined groups of artists. For the purpose of verifying the proposed hypotheses, a group of interpretors was studied: thirty-eight dancers (63.3%) and twenty-two musicians (36.7%) (N=60), employed in the renowned operatic theatres in Warsaw (the National Opera, the Chamber Opera) and in Kraków (the Kraków Opera). All the examined artists completed a Power Motivation Scale questionnaire (PMS) (Tokarz, Trzebińska, 2011), a Generalised Efficacy Scale questionnaire (Juczyński, 2000), Self-Concept Clarity Scale (SCC) (Campbell et al., 1996) and Behaviour Styles (Strzałecki, 2003). The obtained results partially confirmed the fact that dan-cers and musicians differ with respect to consistency of the self-structure and the profile of factors conditioning their creative behaviour.


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