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2013 | 56/111 z. 1 | 9-22

Article title

The Problematic of Reading Generic Signals in Parodic Discourse



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The aim of this study is to analyze the double-function of generic signals in double-voiced discourse of parody which involves by its nature the parodied and the parodying voices simultaneously. The paper claims that generic signals, which are supposed to be working mostly at an unconscious level to create a generic context for the reader in interpreting a text, become double-voiced by the parodist’s manipulation and work at a conscious level. It is common that the parody writer barrows and appropriates generic signals of the genre he parodies to indicate the parodied genre and also his departure from this genre. Parodic intentions become palpable immediately with the „parodic stylization” — to use Bakhtin’s term — of the generic signals, which brings about the Bakhtinian refraction of the authorial voice in parody. Since the parody writer intentionally appropriates the speech of the prodied genre, authorial refractions become clearer in parodic discourse. Through studying such refractions with a particular emphasis on genre parodies and specific examples from Cervantes’ Don Quijote, the present study argues that generic signals in parodic discourse assume the double-function of signaling the parodied genre and the parodying voice simultaneously. In order to show how generic signals assume a highly communicative function in parody, this study focuses on texts where the author parodies not a single writer and a single work, but a whole genre with its conventions. As a genre parody which aims for the governing discourse behind the genre it imitates, Cervantes’ Don Quijote produce significant examples that the double-function of generic signals can be seen explicitly through the authorial refractions in the text.





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  • Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies Çankaya University Ankara, Turkey


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  • Bakhtin Mikhail M. (1992), The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays, Austin, University of Texas Press.
  • Cervantes Saavedra Miguel de (1998), Don Quijote, Diana De Armas Wilson (ed.), London, W. W. Norton.
  • Cuddon J. A. (1999), The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, London, Penguin Books.
  • Dubrow Heather (1982), Genre, London, Methuen.
  • Fowler Alastair (1987), Kinds of Literature, Oxford, Clarendon Press.
  • Hirsh E. D. (1967), Validity in Interpretation, New Haven, Yale University Press.
  • Hutcheon Linda (1985), Theory of Parody, London, Routledge.
  • Morson Gary Saul (1989), Rethinking Bakhtin, Evanston, Northwestern University Press.
  • Parla Jale (2001), Don Kişot’tan Bugüne Roman, Istanbul, Iletisim.
  • Rivers Elias L. (1998), Cervantes’s Revolutionary Prologue, In Don Quijote, ed. Diana de Armas Wilson, London, W. W. Norton.
  • Robert Marte (1986), Doubles, In Critical Essays on Cervantes, ed. Ruth El Saffar, Boston, G. K. Hall & Co.
  • Rose Margaret A. (1993), Parody: Ancient, Modern, Post-Modern, London, Cambridge University Press.
  • Sterne Laurence (2003), The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, London, Penguin.
  • Vice Sue (1997), Introducing Bakhtin, Manchester, Manchester University Press.

Document Type

Publication order reference



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