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2016 | 2 (52) | 9-21

Article title

Visualization of linear ordering results for metric data with the application of multidimensional scaling



Title variants

Wizualizacja wyników porządkowania liniowego dla danych metrycznych z wykorzystaniem skalowania wielowymiarowego

Languages of publication



The article discusses the two-step research procedure allowing the visualization of linear ordering results for metric data. In the first step, as a result of the application of multidimensional scaling (see [Borg, Groenen 2005; Mair et al. 2016]) the visualization of objects in two-dimensional space is obtained. In the next step, the linear ordering of a set of objects is carried out based on the Euclidean distance from the pattern (ideal) object. The suggested approach expanded the possibilities for the interpretation of the linear ordering results of a set of objects. The article applies the concept of isoquants and the path of development (the shortest way connecting a pattern and an anti-pattern object) proposed by [Hellwig 1981]. The graphical presentation of the linear ordering results based on this concept was possible for two variables only. The application of multidimensional scaling expanded the applicability of the results of linear ordering visualization for m variables. The suggested approach is illustrated by an empirical example with the application of R environment script.



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