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2013-2014 | 5-6 | 35-49

Article title

Micoquian in the Northern Carpathians. Examples from Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine


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The issue of Central and Eastern European Micoquian, although known for over half a century, appears to be controversial and insufficiently researched. One of the areas in Central Europe known for the presence of the Micoquian are the Carpathian Mountains. The article discusses finds from their north-western part. Micoquian sites in this region are known from Slovakia (Zamarovce and possibly Plaveč site), Poland (Obłazowa Cave) and Ukraine (Korolevo, Yezoupil and Kolodijiw). All these assemblages contain Keillmesser knives. Moreover, the assemblages remain in relation to other sites in neighbouring areas, which is visible in terms of their technological approach, but is also documented by raw material transport. A reassessment of the cultural attribution of sites in the Carpathian zone appears to be of great value in understanding the problems of Keilmessergruppen.






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0137 – 3285

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