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2016 | 1(28) | 32-51

Article title

Muzyka polska w repertuarze Leopolda Stokowskiego



Title variants

Polish music in the repertoire of Leopold Stokowski

Languages of publication



Nowadays, Leopold Stokowski is recognized as one of the most im¬portant conductors of the 20th Century. The artist was very proud of his Polish origin and conducted twenty two compositions written by eleven Polish composers, including Chopin, Wieniawski, Fitel¬berg, Szymanowski, Tansman, Szabelski, Moniuszko, Lutosławski, Panufnik, Jarecki and Paderewski. During his career Stokowski visit¬ed Poland four times. The first two visits (1924 and 1958) were private. The conductor’s first Polish concert took place in Warsaw in May 1959 – on this occasion Stokowski conducted Lutosławski’s Symphony No. 1 and Szymanowski’s Stabat Mater. The press praised Stokowski for bringing from the orchestra his own rich sonorities and for his great sensitivity, and at the same time criticized him for lack of for¬mal discipline. Also Lutosławski was dissatisfied with Stokowski’s interpretation. Stokowski conducted in Poland also in May 1960, when he gave a couple of concerts in Zabrze and Bydgoszcz. Both programmes included compositions by Polish composers – Szabelski and Moniuszko. The conductor was also a close friend of Andrzej Panufnik. Stokowski collaborated with Panufnik when conducting his Symphony for peace and later led the world premiere performance of revised version of the work, entitled Sinfonia Elegiaca. He also con¬ducted Sinfonia sacra and two other world premiere performances of Panufnik’s works – Katyń Epitaph and Universal Prayer. Stokowski recorded some of Polish compositions – both in studio and during concerts. Some of these performances are still unpublished (Fitel¬berg’s Polish rhapsody, Moniuszko’s Fairy tale overture and Szyman¬owski’s Stabat Mater), while others have been published (Panufnik’s Universal Prayer, Lutosławski’s Symphony No. 1 and Szabelski’s Tocca¬ta). Stokowski’s Polish episodes are intriguing and the present study is the first one to bring to light this forgotten episodes from the great conductor’s biography.





Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Warszawski


  • Archiwum Związku Kompozytorów Polskich, teczka „Apolinary Sze¬luto”, bez sygn.
  • Chasins A., Leopold Stokowski. A Profile, Nowy Jork 1979.
  • Daniel O., Stokowski. A counterpoint of view, Nowy Jork 1982.
  • Erhardt L., Z notatnika recenzenta. Misterium muzyki, „Express wie¬czorny” 1959, nr 124, s. 3.
  • Harris Jr. F.E., Seeking the Infinite. The musical life of Stanisław Skrowacze¬wski, North Charleston 2011.
  • Hunt J., Leopold Stokowski. Discography. Concert register, Londyn 1996.
  • Jasiński R., Zmierzch starego świata. Wspomnienia 1900–1945, Kraków 2008.
  • Łapeta O., Olek A., Zwątpienie ciągle się pogłębia. Rozmowa ze Stani¬sławem Skrowaczewskim, „Ruch Muzyczny” 2015, nr 1, s. 38.
  • Markiewicz L., Po katowickim koncercie Leopolda Stokowskiego, „Ruch Muzyczny” 1960, nr 13, s. 7
  • Mycielski Z., Leopold Stokowski, „Przegląd Kulturalny” 1959, nr 23, s. 12.
  • Panufnik A., Autobiografia, Warszawa 2014.
  • Sierpiński Z., Stokowski w Warszawie, „Ruch Muzyczny” 1959, nr 12, s. 4–5.
  • Waldorff J., Diabły i anioły, Kraków 1988.
  • Wallek-Walewski M., Po koncercie Leopolda Stokowskiego, „Ruch Mu¬zyczny” 1959, nr 12, s. 5–6.
  • Zapert Z., Leopold Stokowski już w Warszawie. Rozmowa „Expressu” ze sławnym dyrygentem, „Express Wieczorny” 1959, nr 119, s. 2.
  • Życie muzyczne Bydgoszczy – Torunia, „Ruch Muzyczny” 1960, nr 18, s. 24.
  • Źródła internetowe
  • http://stokowski.tripod.com/disco/lsdiscs.htm [dostęp: 17.01.2016].
  • http://www.stokowski.org/Leopold_Stokowski_Concerts.htm# [do¬stęp: 18.01.2016].
  • https://www.pristineclassical.com/pasc242.html [dostęp: 18.01.2016].

Document Type

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