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2009 | 149 | 107-132

Article title

Etyka przedsiębiorczości w późnośredniowiecznej scholastyce – wprowadzenie do problematyki



Title variants

Entrepreneurial Ethics in the Late Medieval Scholastics – Introduction to the Research Topic

Languages of publication



The paper concerns the idea of entrepreneurial ethics in scholastic texts. The sources, methods of research, and general historical preliminaries are discussed. In the methodology of the research Max Weber’s categories of economic exchange, entrepreneurship and entrepreneur are invoked. Medieval notions and concepts, such as iustus mercator, industria, and bonum commune are analyzed in the context of these socio-economic categories. Texts from the middle of the XIIIth century to the middle of XVth century are taken into consideration, in particular such canonists and theologians as Chiaro of Florence (Casus fratris Claris), Thomas Aquinas, Giles of Lesines, Henry of Ghent, Peter Olivi, Matthew of Cracow, Bernardine of Siena, and Antonine of Florence. The merchant’s guide by Benko Kutruljević(Benedetto Cotrugli) is considered too, as an example of reception of scholastic thought at a more practical level. In the topic discussed the particularity of Latin Christianity in the late medieval period, in comparison to other epochs and civilizations, is linked to the new idea of work and to certain cultural phenomena, including: the ethical focus of scholastic doctors, the idea of volunteer poverty, and Christian concept of the gift (referred to particularly in the Sermon on the Mount: Luke 6, 20–45). The system of terms and notions – by which entrepreneurship and economic activity were defi ned – influenced in some way the mentality and social practice. In practice, the evaluation of entrepreneurial activity was related to different systems of norms, which was expressed by the notion of forum. This could be: Roman law (forum civilis), canons, and practical theology (forum Dei). In the final case of forum Dei, the individual confession, introduced by the Church in the XIIIth century, was of crucial significance.


  • Instytu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa


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