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2020 | 22 | 2 | 153-168

Article title

Realizacja zadania sprawiedliwości jako naczelne zadanie sądownictwa kościelnego


Title variants

The Implementation of the Task of Justice as the Main Task of the Ecclesiastical Judiciary

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The judicial power of the Church as any authority in the Church always tries to build good of the believers. It expresses a principle derived from the Code of Canon Law: Salus animarum suprema lex, which means that the most important task for the Church is the salvation of man. An expression of this principle are marriage processes which can declare the nullity of the marriage. The judge has a very important place in the Church’s justice system. It is the duty of the judge to look after justice and peace in the community of Godʼs people. Justice is a virtue which the judge ought to demand also from himself. Therefore, he should permanently improve moral precepts in himself. He ought to develop good manners and everything which can influence the realization of the principle of justice. Ecclesiastical courts confirm that for many litigating parties in marriage cases, proceedings concerning cases of nullity of marriage, have a practical purpose, which is to regulate life in a new marriage. But we cannot forget that the primary purpose of marriage process is to know the truth about marriage. Therefore, judicial power, which judges or judicial colleges possess, must be exercised in the manner prescribed by law, and it is important to judge fills all the steps in the canonical process of declaration of nullity of marriage carefully and with due observance of the law.









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