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2015 | 4 | 113-130

Article title

Rigour and Relevance: A PhD Student’s Perspective



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Purpose: This study argued that desipite what the content of the debate might suggest, there is a conflict between the two concepts of rigour and relevance and their actual relationship is a symbiotic one. Drawing on a definition of symbiosis, the study showed that the concepts of rigour and relevance are actually two separate “organisms” that are bound by a long term relationship that benefits both sides. Methodology: The study reviewed selected literature concerning rigour and relevance and presented the historical development of the debate and theoretical models of the relationship between the two concepts. Implications: The implications were presented from a PhD student’s perspective and included suggestions on how to approach the issues of rigour and relevance in the research project and how to cope with their seemingly conflicting nature. Originality: The originality of this study resulted from approaching the issue of rigour and relevance from a biology perspective and extending the definition of symbiosis to the relationship between the two concepts.







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