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1997 | 4 | 336-349

Article title

Zniszczenia i rekonstrukcje pieczęci woskowych


Title variants

The Damage and Reconstruction of Wax Seals

Languages of publication



Polish archives and m useum s contain ex ten siv e c o lle c tions o f seals. C on d u cted stud ies d em onstrate a considerable d eg ree o f damage incurred to th o se objects, the prime reason b ein g mechanical injuries, prod u cin g n umerous gaps. Th e su p p lem en ta tion o f missing fragments o f w a x seals can be co n d u c ted w ith o u t or with the reconstruc tion o f the seal relief. T h e former m eth od con sists in a flat su p p lem en ta tion o f the gap in the shape o f the seal, in a to n e slightly lighter than the original and 1-2 mm. low e r than the relief. T h e p resented con se rv a tion realisations testify to the p osib ility o f a so-ca lled mechanical r econstruction o f wa x seals i.e. their faithful c op y in g , which requires spec ialised sphragistic-historical research. Such undertakings are feasible w ith the aid o f ex tan t and disco v e red presses or w ell preserved o th e r im pr essions o f the seals under conservation. The c o p ied fragments, prod u ced by the seal press or upon the basis o f a silicon negative, are introdu ced in to the missing gaps. T h e reconstructed fragments sh ou ld differ from the original as regards the ton e and co n v e x ity o f the relief. T he d iscussed realisations are illustrated by the con se rv a tion o f a seal o f Louis o f Hungary, impressed on paper d o cum en ts issued in Kosice in 1 3 7 3 , and the con se rvation o f the St. Joh n seal o f the Old Town in Torun, attached to a parchment d o cum en t issued in 1 5 2 1 , and kept in the c o lle c tion o f the State Archive in Torun.






Physical description





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Document Type

Publication order reference



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