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2015 | 28 | 75–89

Article title

Aegyptiaca Vespasiani. Notes on Vespasian’s presence on Elephantine


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The article reviews the share that Vespasian had in the decoration of the Temple of Osiris Nesmeti on Elephantine. It is considered in the context of a report of Cassius Dio (LXVI 8, 1) who associated that ruler’s entry into Alexandria with an exceptional rise of flooding waters and also in view of the connection of that report with the Egyptian royal ideology which identified the king with the Nile and its flooding. The Vespasian’s decoration of the Temple of Osiris Nesmeti is analyzed in the light of representations of Nilus on the monumental staircase leading to the temple and of the stele of Florence (no. 4021).


  • Instytut Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych PAN


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