The process of globalization in scientific literature is defined in a very varied way, first of all, because it is a complex, multi-dimensional and multiaspectual process. R. Robertson presents the most general and universal definition of globalization which nowadays has become the reference for formulating different definitions. According to him globalization is a set of processes which make the social world as one. A similar general formulation of this process can be found in A. Giddens’s writings – globalization is an intensification of world-wide social relations. The process of cultural globalization is proceeding before our eyes. We can observe and analyse it in every respect. However, until it lasts, it is hard to foresee what shape will take a predominant current of transformations in the contemporary culture. Today there is domination of the Western culture, particularly the American one. However, economists forecast that even in the first half of the 21st century the economies of China and India will become the world’s largest economies. Then, as it was already in the past, they will influence transformations occurring in culture in a significant way.