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2016 | 10 | 315-327

Article title

Intensyfikacja stosunków niemiecko-ukraińskich w okresie od Szczytu Partnerstwa Wschodniego w Wilnie do „rewolucji godności"



Title variants

Enhancing the German-Ukrainian Relations in the years 2013-2014. From the 2013 Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius to the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution

Languages of publication



The purpose of the paper is to show the most important dimensions which shaped the German-Ukrainian relations in the years 2013-2014. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the German-Ukrainian relations were strongly determined the German-Russian relations which were being seemed as a crucial cornerstone of the German foreign and security policy toward Eastern Europe in the 1990s and the early 2000s. The first signal for Germany to redefine its approach toward Russian Federation and other former Soviet republics was the 2008 Russo-Georgian War. However, a breaking moment was & nally brought by the 2013 Eastern Partnership Summit in the Lithuanian capital city, Vilnius, where Ukraine unlikely decided to deny the ability to sign the EU association agreement. Afterwards, Ukraine and its nation faced one of the most dramatic moments in the whole Ukrainian history, when President Viktor Yanukovych and his government were removed from their post by protestors and parliament due to street riots in Kiev in February 2014. In March 2014, the Crimean Peninsula was seized by Russian troops and was carried out the referendum in order to join Crimea to Russian Federation. Since the 2013 Eastern Partnership in Vilnius, the German diplomacy has taken steps to intensify bilateral ties with the new government in Kiev in order to interrupt one of the most danger security crisis in Europe since the bloody dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.






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  • Instytut Zachodni w Poznaniu


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