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2017 | 3 | 9-18

Article title

Między inkluzją a ekskluzją w polskim systemie kształcenia dorosłych

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Between inclusion and exclusion in the Polish adult educational system

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The number of early school leavers is growing year by year. Their educational background therefore basically excludes them from the job market. It seems to be a serious issue since the EU rate of early school leavers is nowadays reaching even 14.4%. In order to embrace problems of the youth, OECD members are calling for the support and help for the students from educational risk group (OECD 2012). Indeed, the lack of early and suitable response to arising problems may lead to marginalization and social exclusion. According to experts, a special interest and support should be aimed at the youth from NEET group (i.e. not in employment, education or training, resigning from both school and other professional obligations) (EUROFOUND 2011). This group is practically absent in the society and therefore difficult to research. At the same time, it can be assumed (the issue has not been sufficiently researched and described in Poland yet) that this group is not homogeneous. A part of that group makes “temporary” attempts to join educational system as well as to accept short term professional obligations. Students of schools for adults form a perfect example of people who join educational system “temporarily”. Although in such schools, which are usually private, young people try to catch up with the school material and finish education, it might be assumed that many of them still lack suitable support and help. They have to deal with many problems and, as a result, they might quickly and numerously resign from education. The following paper focuses on the analysis of factors which exclude young people from active social life in Poland. It also makes an attempt to present such areas in Polish educational system which create an opportunity to change the current situation.


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