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2012 | 890 | 181-195

Article title

Cele i środki public relations banków

Title variants

The Aims and Means of Public Relations Campaigns in Banks

Languages of publication



The article presents empirical research on public relations in banks. The research was conducted in August 2009 by the management staff in a number of Krakow’s banks. The investigation included task groups in public relations, means of action, and target groups at which public relations are aimed, together with the importance of such campaigns. The results showed that the biggest and most often used task area for public relations by Kraków’s banks is cooperating with the media. However, the respondents recognised phone and mail contact as being among the most important means of public relations as well. All of the banks’ clients comprised the target group to which public relations campaigns were directed. Interest aimed at investors and, to a small extent, educational institutions, was considered insufficient. The high degree of recognition of public relations campaigns by the management of banks in Krakow should be taken as a positive sign.



  • Bank Polska Kasa Opieki SA, I Oddział w Tomaszowie Lubelskim, ul. Lwowska 80, 22-600 Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland


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Publication order reference


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