Glottodidactics is a science which is still perceived in a highly heterogenic way not only by representatives of neighbouring branches of science but even by the specialists in the field of foreign languages teaching / learning. Apart from that, the subject of glottodidactics is so complex and interdisciplinary that the multi-tude of its possible interpretations does not allow to decide on one common epistemological paradigm. There is also no consensus among glottodidacticians as far as key metascientific terms such as theory, paradigm, model or discourse are concerned. As a consequence, the condition of satisfactory scientific communication within the glottodidactic community is the continual defining by glottodidacticians in their scientific publications of their epistemological stance as well as relating their scientific insights to general glottodidatic issues and consequently pointing which glottodidactic theories they approve of. The author of the article presents conclusions from metaglottodidactic analysis of the articles covering the subject of foreign language teachers’ training which were published in “Neofilolog” in 1990–2010 and answers the question whether and how Polish glottodidacticians epistemologically locate the scientific research and concepts of educating teachers presented in their publications