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2020 | 11 | 85-98

Article title

Dokonać niemożliwego, czyli o trudnościach w tłumaczeniu komiksu „Der Fönig” Waltera Moersa na język polski


Title variants

To do the impossible thing – some translation problems in the Polish version of the German comic book “Der Fönig” by Walter Moers

Languages of publication



The following article discusses some problems in the translation of the German comic book “Der Fönig” into Polish. The main concern is to define the semantic dominant of the source text correctly and to find any adequate translation possibilities of language phenomena, which could contribute to problems in the translator’s work. As the source text has not been translated into Polish yet, the author presents his own translation proposals of two problematic fragments of the German original.






Physical description


  • Uniwersytet Szczeciński/ Polska


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