Imitation is an important factor in the moral development of the human person. Taking on the function of an example or model for others and the corresponding actions of the imitators who conform to those of the external model may be interpreted as an attitude of solidarity. This specific kind of love and service to others obliges people to involvement for the sake of the common good, for the well-being of all and everyone. An important element of this commitment is exhibiting in one’s own behavior authentic values, which take on the stature of an exemplar or model for others. In that way, moral exemplarism is a kind of contribution to the well-being of others and to the common good, as it is a call to participate in the values interiorized by the model. The imitator’s attitude can also be seen as one of solidarity, through which he is able to properly assess the values of the models, and follow only the real ones. In this manner, he can become a responsible participant in society. Openness towards models is a sign of an active presence in community life, which builds up the richness of its members.