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2013 | 25 | 141- 153

Article title

Wittgenstein a buddyzm – co wynika z ich porównania



Title variants

Wittgenstein and Buddhism – their Comparison

Languages of publication



The text Wittgenstein and Buddhism – their Comparison is a review of works of 30 authors who wrote about similarities between the philosophy of Wittgenstein and that of Buddhism, mainly of Nagarjuna. The similarities which have been mentioned are: anti-dogmatic and anti-doctrinal nature, set- ting limits in which the use of language has sense, a mystical base of language, rejection of thought as useless for language and understanding, atheism, the notion of unity of world and existence, admiration over miraculous nature of the world, identity of micro- and macro-cosmos, the conviction that any antitheses are of an illusory nature, realizing peace and clarity of mind as the aim of philosophy, the impossibility of adequate naming of psychic emotions, rejection of universals, and the therapeutic aspect of philosophy. The main difference between Wittgenstein and Nagarjuna is that the former looked for the source of problems in language, and the latter in mind.


  • dr hab. Jacek Sieradzan, Zakład Religioznawstwa i Filozofii Religii, Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku


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