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2017 | 1 | 26-32

Article title

The idea for... biobank – just a few words

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The use, collection and modification of human biological material/the human body is a difficult, controversial and challenging subject demanding deep analyses of all the ethical, social and legal aspects. Use of the human body for experimental purposes for or without the reward is often criticized. It is clear, however, that not all researches on new medicinal products, medical devices or cosmetics can be carried out on animals only. Contribution of a human being in experiments and clinical trials (including organs, tissues or cells) is the only way to verify safety and efficacy of a tested method or substance. Storage of human biological material intended for tests demands meeting conditions provided by legal standards and showing respect for the human body and human dignity; that is why biological material must be, as a rule, stored in cell and tissue banks (biobank). Any entity that wants to operate a biobank must meet a number of complex requirements before entering this narrow, difficult and demanding market. This is the result of legislative chaos and fragmentation of laws at the national and EU level, but also social, ethical or religious prejudice. However, biobanks are an indispensable research tool for understanding genetic or environmental grounds of many diseases, e.g. hereditary ones. Biobanks can undoubtedly revolutionize the health market and contribute to the further development of personalized medicine. However, the entity willing to establish a cell and tissue bank must meet and take into account several criteria. Any entity considering the foundation of a biobank wonders whether this activity will be profitable and whether it can be included in the chain of clinical trials.






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