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2014 | 178 | 160-173

Article title

Analiza preferencji ludzi młodych w ocenie atrakcyjności miast jako produktu turystycznego


Title variants

Analysis of Preference in Assessment of Young People City's Attractiveness as Tourism Product

Languages of publication



The article is a discussion of the results of the survey related to the issues shaping the views and opinions of young people on the city as a tourist product. In studies related to changes taking place in an urban setting in which we operate, and in the design of cities, there are new categories of perception cities - new features towns, known in the literature as a revolt cities. We study the perception of cities in terms of tourist appeal and in terms of the tourism product. We also examine the creative perception of cities with regard to new trends shaping urban spaces, such as urban games or urban legends. For the analysis of results of research we use multivariate methods.






Physical description



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