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2019 | 7 | 1-12

Article title

Рамочные Евроинтегративные Требования Упорядочения Системы Управления Устойчивым Использованием Земельных Ресурсов


Title variants

Framework Euro-Integrative Requirements For Ordering A Sustainable Use Of Land Resources Management System

Languages of publication



The article presents the experience of a public-private partnership and the stage of maturity of public-private partnership mechanisms. The stages of maturity for Ukraine are considered, where the basis should be the implementation (testing) of the framework of European integration requirements in the legislation of Ukraine, taking into account the peculiarities and factors of Ukraine. A scheme for the formation of state support for projects of public--private partnerships, as well as a scheme for the implementation of projects of public-private partnership in Ukraine, is proposed. There are suggestions regarding the prospects for the development of public-private partnership for Ukraine.







Physical description



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Publication order reference

YADDA identifier

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