Idioms are a part of the lexicon in the respective language and are considered by the learners of the respective foreign language as a hard nut to crack. The didactic proposals in the field of idiomatics do not seem to be sufficient. This also applies to the language pair German and Polish. The more welcome are phraseodidactic publications that try to remedy this deficiency. The combination of phraseodidactic and lexicographic practice seems to be a good idea. One such attempt is the work of Daniel Berg: “300 idiomów języka niemieckiego”, which was recently published as an e-book by PWN-Verlag. In the light of the previous phraseodidactic offer for German learning Poles, Daniel Berg’s publication is critically evaluated. Since the publication has many shortcomings in all respects, it is not recommended to use it in GFL lessons. The author disregards all the rules that one has to follow when writing a didactic and lexicographic work. Against this background, it is also assumed that corresponding corrections have not been made. At the same time, it is pointed out that phraseodidactic works require special treatment in which theory is to be combined with practice.