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2016 | 2(11) | 64-89

Article title

Svatopluk I. – kníže nebo král? K otázce legitimizace velkomoravských knížat ve středověké i moderní historiografii


Title variants

Svatopluk I – a prince or a king? The question of legitimizing Great Moravian princes in medieval and modern historiography

Languages of publication



In the last decades, historians intensely discussed the status of the Moravian prince Svatopluk I (871–894). All of them shared the idea that there was a clearly recognizable kingship in the ninth century with anointed and crowned kings. But the Frankish annalists called the Scandinavian princes kings, even though they were neither anointed nor crowned. To believe Frankish sources, however, means to accept their perspective, where there was only place for the Carolingian kings and where the princes were only obliged to obey them. Yet, in reality, the princes of the Moravians often followed their own interests and were respected partners of the Frankish kings. Culturally and socially, however, the world of the Frankish, Bavarian and Moravian leaders were closely connected. Therefore Svatopluk I might have been in one moment, especially in the confl ict with the East Frankish kingdom, an independent leader of the people from around the Morava River, Moravians, whereas in other situation, he might have presented himself as a member of the Frankish elites.





Physical description


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