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2014 | 11 | 11-28

Article title

Studenci w dobie Internetu i skomputeryzowanego rynku pracy: jak dostosować studia translacyjne do zmieniających się realiów


Title variants

Students on the Computer-Based Translation Market: How to Reshape Translation Studies

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Nowadays it is hard to imagine a translator without a computer and Internet resources. The market is increasingly specialised, requiring not only proficient language and translation skills, but also advanced IT and localisation tools knowledge. At the same time, it is expected that university graduates enter the market with proper training, practical skills and technological background. Although Polish universities have been trying to make a step forward in this domain, there is still a considerable mismatch between the university offer and the prerequisites graduates have to fulfill in order to find a job. This problem has been raised by several researchers from Europe and beyond, some of which resulted in important changes in university curricula. The aim of this paper is to look at the European university offer, point to the lessons learned and provoke a general debate on the need for a comprehensive, interdisciplinary methodological approach that would fully correspond to the changing market reality and the possibilities of modern European universities.






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  • Uniwersytet Warszawski


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