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2019 | 64 | 1 | 117–123

Article title

The Correspondence between Johannes Hevelius and Pierre des Noyers, as the Mirror of Scientific Novelties


Title variants

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Pierre des Noyers (1608–1693), a disciple of Gilles Personne de Roberval, is the most important correspondent of Johannes Hevelius. Their correspondence consists of 257 letters, in a corpus of 2700 letters, i.e. about 10% of the total. Pierre des Noyers came to Poland with Queen Louise-Marie de Gonzague. During his Polish travels he spent some time in Gdańsk (December 1646) and met the astronomer who was a prominent member of the city elite, as one of the most important brewers. During this period, Hevelius was completing his Selenographia (1647) and Pierre des Noyers was very helpful in expanding a European network that already included Marin Mersenne and Pierre Gassendi. The relations between the two scholars were very intense. After the death of the Queen (1667), des Noyers stayed in his friend’s house. The last letter is dated October 1686. Hevelius died in January 1687. Pierre des Noyers remained in Poland where he died in 1693. At this point I would like to present some conclusions based on my analysis of this correspondence, thereby introducing the third volume of the series Correspondance de Johannes Hevelius to be published in 2019.








Physical description


  • Université de Versailles, France


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  • Correspondance de Johannes Hevelius. Tome I: Prolégomènes critiques, ed. by Ch. Grell, Turnhout 2014.
  • Correspondance de Johannes Hevelius. Tome II: Correspondance avec la cour de France et ses agents avec un dossier sur la querelle de la comète de 1664–1665, ed. by Ch. Grell, Turnhout 2017.
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  • Nellen H.J.M., Ismaël Boulliau (1605–1694), astronome, épistolier, nouvelliste et intermédiaire scientifique, Amsterdam, Maarsen 1994.
  • Salamonik M., In their Majesties’ Service. The Career of Francesco de Gratta (1613–1676) as a Royal Servant and Trader in Gdańsk, Huddinge 2017.
  • I. Tancon, Lo scienzato Tito Livio Burattini (1617–1681) al servicio dei Re di Polonia, Trento 2006.
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Document Type

Publication order reference

YADDA identifier

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