In the present article, entitled Between Wor(l)ds... OR completely lost in translation? On contemporary “translations” of the titles of film blockbusters. From “Wirujący seks” (1987) and “Minionki” (2010-2017) to “Przełęcz ocalonych” (2016), its author – being a philologist, a linguist, a translation-studies researcher, and a regular picturegoer, takes into practical consideration selected translations (mainly from English into Polish) of several dozen film blockbusters having been produced in the last 20 years. On the basis of available resources, which are relatively few regarding the matter in question, the author makes an attempt at identifying and defining a range of formal and informal criteria in accordance with which English-language film titles are typically translated (“translated”?) into Polish, and then he tries to evaluate the adequacy of such film title translations against the original ones. The considerations are primarily made from a philological perspective (mainly lexical), including the corresponding cultural issues that might have affected the translation process. The analysis also embraces the increasingly significant commercial aspect present in the contemporary cinematography, in view of which a film these days is first of all a product that needs to be sold at a huge profit to the international clientele.