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2011 | 18 | 37-50

Article title

Rynek pracy województwa dolnośląskiego w okresie spowolnienia gospodarczego


Title variants

The labour market of lower-silesian voivodeship during the economic slowdown

Languages of publication



The article focuses on processes of the regional labor market during the economic slowdown that resulted from the global financial crisis in years 2007–2009, which is also called the Great Recession. The labor market’s situation is the result of the interaction of many complex processes. On the one hand, it is a derivative of the level of development and structure of the economy; on the other hand, the shape of the labor market is influenced by the changes associated with an ever-increasing integration of Poland with the European Union. In recent years, global economic processes, especially connected with the Great Recession, also play a significant role in shaping the situation of regional labor markets. The article presents the trends of development of the labor market in the region in years 2000–2009 in the field of economic activity and employment rates taking into consideration the selected demographic and economic categories of the population. The particular attention is devoted to the issues of development of unemployment and its typology. These elements of the labor market were presented in the local systems of the region with an indication of their spatial variation and intensity. On the basis of identified regularity of development of the studied phenomenon, the authors made an attempt to identify and evaluate the impact of the economic slowdown on the regional labor market at the local and regional level.



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  • Zakład Kartografii, Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego, Uniwersytet Wrocławski


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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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