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2018 | 25 | 148-163

Article title

Instrumenty izolacyjne stosowane wobec sprawcy przemocy w rodzinie


Title variants

Isolation instruments applied to the perpetrator of domestic violence

Languages of publication



One of the most important legal aspects of counteracting domestic violence in ensuring protection and safety of victims is to isolate the perpetrator from them. Until recently, it was believed that the state should provide shelter for victims where they could find help and continue their lives away from the aggressor. Currently, it is increasingly said that the perpetrator should leave the common home, and the state authorities should have tools to isolate the perpetrator from the victim. The current catalog of criminal process tools to counteract violence, as well as the civil order to leave the premises, can be successfully used to quickly and effectively separate perpetrators of domestic violence from those affected by their actions. In practice, they are used too rarely or inadequately to circumstances, which makes the aid ineffective. In addition, the approach of representatives of bodies implementing tasks in the field of counteracting the phenomenon of domestic violence is burdened with numerous stereotypes, the methods often use dare used as templates and unsuitable for the needs of victims. The attitude of the authorities translates directly into actions taken by them in the area of abandoning certain procedural acts,delay implementation and the manner and scope of safeguarding the interests of victims of domestic violence. In conclusion, it is worth noting that the introduction of new legal regulations will not affect the improvement of the safety of victims of violence if the available instruments are not used in practice.



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