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2017 | 23 | 27-38

Article title

Kognitywne badania nad semantyką tekstu z perspektywy angloamerykańskiej i z perspektywy germanistycznej



Title variants

Cognitive Research on Text Semantics in Anglo-American and German Cognitive Linguistics

Languages of publication



The aim of this article is to compare the cognitive research on text semantics based on R. Langacker’s model of cognitive grammar and on semantics as depicted by German linguist M. Schwarz-Friesel. The first part of this comparison discusses the process of meaning construction in both models (modular and holistic approach) and focuses on modelling of text and discourse structure, especially on description of its referential and information structure as well as its communicative dynamics in texts. The second part of comparison is devoted to the analysis of anaphoric expressions and its reception. The analysis concentrates on the comparative description of different types of anaphora and aims at explaining their canonical and noncanonical use as well as their non-referential functions.







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