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2022 | 3 | 187–196

Article title

Działalność Pracowni Historii Idei Humanistycznych i Społecznych Instytutu Historii Nauki PAN w 2021 r.


Title variants

Research Activity of the History of Humanist and Social Thought Research Unit at the Institute for the History of Science PAS in 2021

Languages of publication



The article presents the main scope of research, scientific achievements, and the popularization and organizational accomplishments of the members of the History of Humanist and Social Thought Research Unit in 2021. The research interests of the employees cover a wide variety of topics, including institutional conditions for the development of Polish science in the 20th century, intellectual movements and currents, and the history of historiography – all of which fall within the scope of the history of ideas and ways of practising social sciences and humanities.






Physical description


  • Instytut Historii Nauki im. L. i A. Birkenmajerów PAN


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