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2011 | 6 | 2 | 227-238

Article title

An Attempt to Identify the Level of Employment Flexibility in Organizations

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The changing business environment requires organizations to adopt flexibility, including employment flexibility, enabling them to compete on the market. This area seems to be widely discussed in literatures, but it has not been the subject of in-depth analyses. The analysis presented in this paper aims to identify the level of employment flexibility in organizations. The paper identifies the major factors which determine employment flexibility levels and presents the main measurement methods for diagnosing the levels of employment flexibility in organizations. In order to achieve this objective, the author presents a critical analysis of literatures in the area in question. The paper claims that the specific forms of flexible employment may have a different impact on the organization's employment flexibility. The level of employment flexibility is conditioned by the scope and type of the applied forms of employment, which are closely related to the time and costs of the recruitment and dismissal process. In this context, a diagnosis of employment flexibility plays a significant role. Its measurement may be based on different indicators which reflect changes to the organization's employment including the modified ratios of employment structure, employee movement and its areas as well as employment stability.








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  • Department of Organization Management, University of Economics in Katowice


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