The paper deals with the phase of the German-Polish relations which is either deprecated as ‘reconciliation kitsch’ or referred to as the time of carefree foundation stone laying. The reconciliation process had indeed many flaws but the political will of Kohl and Mazowiecki made it possible to overcome many obstacles. The cooperation between the two countries in the 90s in the military field, as well as in the fields of science, culture and above all at the economic level was exemplary. Solving of the problems which arose after the year 1989 (border crossings, German minority in Poland) and the historically burdened questions (compensations for forced workers in Poland, the activity of the Centre Against Expulsions in Germany), however, turned out to be much more difficult. In the years 1995 (Bundestag elections) and 1998 (the change of the governing coalition in Germany) there was a change in the attitude of the German political elite. The absence of an idea for further development of the cooperation on the part of both countries subsequently lead to a deterioration of mutual relations.