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2013 | 7 | 69-83

Article title

Integral Psychology Implications in Linguistics

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The author of this paper discusses the origins and development of integral psychology. He emphasises the fact that integral psychology creates a specific bridge between individual currents in psychology, offers the possibility to analyse their mutual relations, and provides the basis for more fruitful interaction. One of the assumptions of integral psychology is that conscience is material, meaning that it is inseparable from material processes and that conscience and matter constitute the interior and the exterior of each holon, respectively, always appearing together. Making such assumptions may not solve the body-mind problem, but it makes the reader look through contemporary paradigms again, including those in the field of linguistics. The assumptions of integral psychology provide modern research with new tasks, such as beginning to consider not just the worlds perceived by the senses and the mind, but now also those of the spiritual realm. Current linguistic research focuses on mental and sensual cognition passing over spiritual cognition from trans-personal levels. The author postulates that to broaden the linguistic research perspective, i.e. going on to empirical issues in a broad sense, one must begin by covering trans-personal areas (areas between mental and existential level). Furthermore, the development of all research, including linguistic research, results from the ability to deal with problems at various cognitive levels that, among others, originate from seriously considering various notions, such as by studying transpersonal levels.







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