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2012 | 893 | 15-25

Article title

Analiza procesu fotostarzenia folii opakowaniowych z tworzyw sztucznych

Title variants

An Analysis of the Photo-aging Process of Plastic Packaging Film

Languages of publication



Plastic packaging materials during both use and storage are exposed to various factors that cause their destruction. One of the most destructive external factors for polymeric materials is ultraviolet radiation, which initiates photo-degradation processes. Possessing knowledge of the mechanisms of photo-aging and understanding the factors that intensify this process are essential to maintaining the plastic sheeting specified range of performance values during storage and use. The aim of this work was to analyse the photo-oxidising ageing process for chosen types of packaging films. Laboratory tests sought to determine the influence of UV radiation on polyolefin packaging films. The tests of how chosen factors affect the range and intensity of the changes in the properties of polyolefin films during ageing tests concern the physical properties of structural changes.



  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Opakowalnictwa Towarów, ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland


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Publication order reference


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