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2020 | 9 | 3 | 375-422

Article title

Alteridad, indigencia y esperanza. Una lectura de la fenomenología de la plegaria según Jean-Louis Chrétien


Title variants

Alterity, Indigence and Hope. A Reading of the Phenomenology of Prayer According to Jean-Louis Chrétien

Languages of publication



This article examines Jean-Louis Chrétien’s conception of prayer within the framework of what has been called “the theological turn of French phenomenology”—Dominique Janicaud’s critical expression against phenomenologies that explicitly or implicitly question what is the foundation of phenomenology: the present. While Chrétien seeks to carry out a phenomenology of prayer, of the religious man, without entering beliefs of a positive religion, Janicaud claims that it is not possible, because behind such an intention there is always God who merely does not want to be called by His name.








Physical description




  • ISFODOSU, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


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