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2013 | 18 | 3 | 284-302

Article title

Podmiotowa i przedmiotowa perspektywa tożsamości osobistej we współczesnym świecie


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Subjective and objective perspectives of personal identity in a contemporary world

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The article is a theoretical review of former and actual conceptions of personal identity that after Seymour Epstein (1991) may be concerned from two perspectives: (1) the subjective and (2) the objective. The first one refers to affective manner of self-experiencing and displays in identity senses, such as – for example – sense of self-continuity, sense of distinctiveness from other people, or sense of self-unity (that are more characteristic for traditional identity) and sense of self-openness, sense of inner variability, sense of self-changeability (that are more characteristic for so called fluid identity). The literature gives many elements of subjective identity and one of the aims of this article is to gather these different elements and to propose some kind of grouping them depending on socio-cultural context of individual’s living. The propose of grouping of identity senses is hypothetical and demands empirical verification. In the article the second, objective perspective of personal identity is also presented, and as a conclusion there is a postulate to integrate in research on identity these two perspectives, especially in a context of contemporary world that is very varied, complex and dynamic.








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