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2016 | 2 | 145-169

Article title

Basic assumptions for introducing circular solutions in the buildings sector


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Traditional, linear business models are one of key reasons for unsustainable development, including overuse of non-renewable resources and energy, as well as waste over-generation. An answer to these problems is a circular economy aimed at improving resource- and energy-efficiency in each phase of a product’s (service’s) lifecycle. The main aim of this paper is to examine, what can be considered a circular product in the buildings sector and what kind of circular products and / or services could be potentially introduced by consulting companies operating inter alia in the buildings sector. First two sections provide a general theoretical background for the concept of a circular economy, a circular product and circular business models. Then, main aspects of introducing an approach based on a circular economy in the buildings sector are elaborated, focusing on key features of circular buildings and solutions which are or can be implemented in different phases of a building’s lifecycle. Based on main features of introducing a circular economy in the buildings sector, leading tasks of consulting companies involved in sustainable solutions are presented. In conclusion it is stated that there are many solutions enabling construction of (more) circular buildings, at least in terms of a “better” circularity in one or more phases of a building’s lifecycle, but still a complex and system approach is needed in the whole sector and among all actors. For this reason, consulting companies can play a specific role in this field, by the way of raising awareness, developing knowledge, skills and capabilities, creating and showing values and benefits to different actors, developing networks etc.






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2353 - 9119

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