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2020 | 2 | 105-120

Article title

Neutrality in Austria's Foreign and Security Policy after the Cold War


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After the end of the Cold War, neutrality was redefi ned by adapting its functioning to the unprecedented changes in the international environment. This redefinition covered two key areas; the change in attitudes towards international conflicts and the rejection of the principles of economic neutrality. By joining the EU, Austria, as a perpetually neutral state, made a commitment to fully conform with its obligations arising from participating in the Common Foreign and Security Policy. The necessary changes to legal regulations have led to a departure from the principles of traditional neutrality and the actual change of international status to an alliance-free/post-neutral state. The main area of main Austrian political forces’ dispute within foreign and security policy was the recognition of the possibility of abandonment of neutrality and NATO membership. It remains unresolved as to whether the rejection of neutrality constitutes solely a legal and constitutional issue. At the same time, Austrian society, with its firm pro-European attitude, still shows a strong commitment to neutrality.






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  • University of Warsaw


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