The article brings a diagnosis of the current state of Polish theatrology while mapping out its place within the humanities. It describes both the object of theatre studies and the theatre scholars’ tools of research: their old habits and new perspectives opening up for their field of research. The latter, related to the discourse on performance and the developing reflexion on spectacles, offer a fresh outlook on theatre and its surroundings – one in which theatre be-comes a lodgement of epistemic strategies that go beyond the immanence of the work of thea-tre and does not dominate over other kinds of spectacle. In this sense, theatrology seems to be at a critical juncture (turning point). On the one hand, it wants to maintain its status of a discipline integrating varied kinds of discourse while, on the other hand, it tries to form alliances, in a broad sense of the word, with other fields of the humanities, cognitive sciences or tech-nology, driven by the conviction that they might provide it with a fresh look at its object of study and lead to its redefinition.