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2020 | 65 | 3 | 97–108

Article title

The Cabinet de mathématiques of the Henri Poincaré Institute in Paris

Title variants

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The article is a historical overview of the rich collection of mathematical models stored at the Henri Poincaré Institute in Paris. The text focuses on the three main sources from the end of the nineteenth century and presents some new additions related to today’s mathematics.








Physical description


  • University of Upper-Alsace, Mulhouse, France


  • Apéry F., Caron’s Wooden Mathematical Objects, [in:] Mathematics and Art III, ed. by C.P. Bruter, Paris 2015, p. 39–48.
  • Apéry F., Constructing Wire Models, [in:] Mathematics and Arts, ed. C. Bruter, Berlin, Heidelberg 2002, p. 179–200, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-04909-9_21.
  • Apéry F., Le campylographe, “Quadrature” no. 100, 2016, p. 24–32.
  • Apéry F., Old and New Mathematical Models: Saving the Heritage of the Institut Henri Poincaré, [in:] Mathematics and Modern Art. Proceedings of the First ESMA Conference in Paris, ed. by C. Bruter, Berlin, Heidelberg 2012, p. 17–28, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-24497-1_3.
  • Apéry F., The Art of the Model, [in:] The House of Mathematics, ed. by C. Villani, J.-P. Uzan and V. Moncorgé, Paris 2014, p. 130–131.
  • Apéry F., The Models Chosen by Man Ray at the Institut Henri Poincaré: A Mathematician’s View, [in:] Man Ray. Human Equations, ed. by W.A. Grossman and E. Sebline, Ostfildern 2015, p. 106–109.
  • Muret C., Choix de modèles en plâtre et en fil, Paris ca. 1875.
  • Objets mathématiques, preface by C. Villani and J.-P. Uzan, Paris 2017.
  • Schilling M., Catalog mathematischer Modelle, Leipzig 1911.

Document Type

Publication order reference

YADDA identifier

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