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2015 | 2 (48) | 44-52

Article title

Regresja logistyczna dla danych symbolicznych interwałowych



Title variants

Logistic regression for interval-valued symbolic data

Languages of publication



When dealing with real data situation we often have a binary (biomial, dichoto-mous) dependent variable. As the linear probability model is not such a good solution in such a situation there is a need to use nonlinear models. A quite good solution for such a sit-uation is the logistic regression model. The paper presents an adaptation of linear regression model when dealing with symbolic interval-valued variables. Four approaches poposed by de Souza et. al [2011] how to apply such variables are presented. In the empirical part re-sults obtained with the application of artificial and real data sets are shown. The best results are obtained for midpoint and bounds (joint estimation) methods.




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