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2015 | 2 | 1 | 4-15

Article title

Over the wall. The letter of the Polish bishops in the context of the Eastern policy of Vatican

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  • AIPN, 0445/12, v. 1, fi le 3, Klimat polityczny w jakim został opracowany list biskupów polskich do niemieckich [Political climat during preparation of the letter from Polish to German bishops].
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  • PISE, A. Amb. RP/S.A., fi le 94/122, Memo from the conversation between amb. K. Papee and abp. Giuseppe.
  • PISE, A. Amb. RP/S.A., 317/31, fi le 163, Dlaczego ten hałas? [Why so much ado?].
  • PISE, A. Amb. RP/S.A., 122/5, fi le 87, Note from a conversation by ambassador K. Papee, 10 I 1963.
  • Memo of MSW on A. Casaroli’s visit 14.02-7.04.1967, (in:) Tajne dokumenty Państwo - Kościół 1960-1980 [Classifi ed documents the state - the Church 1960-1980], London 1996, p. 276.
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