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2011 | 1 | 1 | 73-90

Article title

Architectural Firms in Transylvania. Objective Positions and Field Positioning


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I will discuss in this article the dynamics of business groups, using the case of architects from three Transylvanian cities (Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara and Brasov with emphasis on Cluj-Napoca). The architecture companies successfully represent the current trends of company organization in dynamic contexts, generated by the market changes, where services become the most important products of large cities. Using a sample of 375 architectural companies from these cities that employ 616 persons, I outline a field model inspired by Bourdieu’s work. My argument is that the large number of actors in the architectural networks from Cluj-Napoca is explained by the different forms of educational, economic, social and politic capital mobilized to create competitive companies and to survive within an instable post-socialist economic environment. Moreover, the internal structure of network organization from Cluj-Napoca is based on the usage of different types of available capital.









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  • Babeş-Bolyai University


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