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2015 | 10 | 1 | 32-44

Article title

Conceptual Model of Relationships among Customer Perceptions of Components of Insurance Service

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The objective of this study was to examine the conceptual model and to study the relationships between customer perceptions of the benefits of sales promotion, quality, adequacy of premium, and adequacy of information about the coverage of insurance services. The research model was tested with structural equation modeling (SEM) with a sample of 200 Slovenian users of insurance services. The results indicated that higher perceived benefits of sales promotion were associated with higher perceived quality of insurance services. In addition, higher perceived quality was associated with higher perceived adequacy of information about the coverage and the premium for insurance services. The study also found that higher perceived adequacy of premium was associated with higher perceived adequacy of information about the coverage of insurance services.









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  • M. Sc. University of Maribor, Slovenia Faculty of Economics and Business Department of Quantitative Economics Analysis
  • Ph.D. University of Maribor, Slovenia Faculty of Economics and Business Department of Quantitative Economics Analysis


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