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2016 | 18 | 1 | 111-126

Article title

Autonomous Learning for English Acquisition in Blended e-Studies for Adults within the Context of Sustainable Development


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Personality integration and self-realisation in the global economy and coevolution with multilingual cultural environment of sustainable learning society by means of technologies actualise the paradigm shift in science, and create the necessity for transdisciplinary research to resolve the problem of transformation of the system of values in the context of acquisition of languages. The research aims to create a holistic model of autonomous learning for English acquisition in blended environment of e-studies in the context of adult non-formal education. The research is done on the basis of the holistic paradigm of the science. Holistic methodology is used for investigation of the holistic system. The research resulted in creating the holistic model and working out the recommendations to facilitate of the transformation of the system of values of participants at the programmes of English acquisition of adult non-formal education. The results of the research are significant for developing the concept of autonomous learning.









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  • Doctoral Student, Daugavpils University. Līvānu 2. vidusskola, Rīgas iela 113/117, Līvāni, LV-5316, Latvia


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