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2015 | 46 | 2 | 300-308

Article title

Social support as a mediator for musical achievement


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This article focuses on the issue of social support received by students of music schools in the context of their musical achievements. The theoretical part of this article contains the characteristics of factors related to the musical achievements of students; the support they receive from their environment is essential for their success in the process of musical education and their subsequent artistic career, in addition to their musical abilities and traits of personality. The research part is devoted to detailed analysis of the support level received by music school students and its correlation to their level of musical achievement. Social support is analysed with a view to its structure, distinguishing the following kinds of support: emotional, evaluative, informative and instrumental received from people who are significant to the music school student and indicates the essential presence of support in the process of musical achievement. Moreover, as part of the presentation of the study, the authors introduce their original tool for measuring social support tailored to the realities of music schools - the Scale of Social Support of the Students of Music Schools (Gluska, 2011). This tool may be applied in the work of educational psychologists and teachers in music schools.








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  • Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Institute of Psychology; Bydgoszcz, 1 Staffa Street
  • Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland, Faculty of Health Sciences; Bydgoszcz, 15 Jagiellonska Street


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