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2015 | 5 | 3 | 32-40

Article title

Postgraduate Professional Pedagogical Education In Mexico


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This article is the result of scientific comparative-pedagogical research, which purpose was to highlight the main features of postgraduate professional pedagogical education in Mexico. The author found that the postgraduate professional pedagogical education in Mexico is performed by public and private higher education institutions: higher pedagogical schools, universities, autonomous universities, tecnological universities, technological institutes, research institutions, institutions of postgraduate education. Despite common goals, public and private institutions performed the posgraduate profesional pedagogical education on various organizational and procedural schemes. The main characteristics of postgraduate professional pedagogical education in Mexico are a relatively recent launch of the first programs (70-ies of the twentieth century); the rapid development of postgraduate professional pedagogical education in the 80-ies - 90-ies years of the XX century; the relative uniformity of its distribution between the state (61.1 %) and private (39.9 %) universities; careful surveillance of public higher pedagogical education quality through periodic programs’s evaluation; various thematic orientation of the programs; low rates of the ultimate effectiveness (the number of graduates, who received a diploma).









Physical description




  • Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, México Address: Torre de Posgrados II, Av. Preparatoria, s/n, Fracc. Progreso, Zacatecas, Zac., 98000, Mexico


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Publication order reference


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