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2013 | 22 | 22 | 35-46

Article title

Geographical input to local public transport planning in Poland

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This paper addresses geographical contributions to public transport planning in Poland according to the newly adopted legislation: the Act of 16 December 2010 on public transport and the Regulation of 25 May 2011 on the detailed scope of sustainable development plan of public transport. The authors investigate the application of geographical approach to public transport planning on the local level and its perspectives with a special regard to a public transport plan as the main document introduced by law in order to aid local governments in organising and managing transport services of general interest. This paper also prompts geographers to pay more attention to the ongoing changes in the legislature concerning public transport and encourages them to get involved in public transport planning both in practice and through scientific research. The authors present a few examples of preliminary selected areas deprived of appropriate public transport, hence predisposed for transport of general interest.









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  • Jagiellonian University, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Department of Geography of Population, Settlement and Agriculture, Gronostajowa 7, 30-087 Kraków, Poland


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