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2014 | 14 | 1 | 78-94

Article title

Ethnic and Regional Identity in Polish Part of Spiš Region (On the Example of Jurgów Village)


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In my study I am focusing on the issue of national and regional identity of Spiš region inhabitants. The researched Jurgów village belongs to territory situated on the frontier between two states and at the same time between two regions. In the study I analyze the question of stereotypes present in the locality concerning gorals from the neighbouring Podhale region and Slovak part of Spiš region. In addition to that I deal with analysis of importance and understanding of space and border for the identity of local population. On the basis of the empirical data analysis results I observe that the identity of the researched village population is shaped by the fact that it belongs to the frontier territory where crossborder cultural and social interaction occurs.









Physical description




  • Department of Ethnology and Museology, Comenius University in Bratislava


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